Writers, Get Published!

Ratatouille is a stewed dish from the South of France, consisting of different vegetables that are cooked and tossed together. It is a tasty and healthy Mediterranean meal.


Our concept at Rhetorical Ratatouille is simple: we are publishing anything that is written with good taste and style, and that is healthy for the spirit or for the body.

If you have a document that you want published and distributed online (our distribution network includes Apple, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo and others), we will take care of it at no cost (as long as it meets our quality standards) + pay you royalties on the proceeds of the eBooks.

Being published is a great way to get free exposure: be talked about in the media, get interviews on TV, be featured in blogs, get your name ranked #1 on Google… It immediately upgrades your status and drastically improves your image and personal branding.

At the moment, we publish in French and English, but more languages are to be added to the list shortly.

Contact us for more details.

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The Publishing Team
Rhetorical Ratatouille